New Gravity
Overduin & Co | Los Angeles
September 7 – October 18, 2014
Curated by Olivian Cha and Eli Diner

In 2009, the European Space Agency launched the Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) with the intention of mapping Earth’s gravity field with unrivaled precision, though, according to an ESA press release, nobody really expected the data to show changes over time. Gravity has no history.

Or so we thought. On December 3, 2013, the ESA announced that four years of gravity mapping had overturned this assumption: Large earthquakes not only deform Earth’s crust, but can also cause tiny changes in local gravity.

The history of gravity is propelled by disaster, lurching forward, like capitalism itself, from one crisis to the next.

We have drawn together works of art that suggest, envision or are otherwise poised for the next crisis — and what lies beyond. Some embrace physical or material precariousness, threatening to spill, crash, melt or collapse; others interrogate the instability of the image, quivering, chimerical, infinitely protean. Each in its way offers an extraordinary anticipation.

The exhibition is curated by Olivian Cha and Eli Diner and includes works by Frank Benson, Judith Hopf, Angie Keefer, Kitty Kraus, Mahony, Oliver Payne, and Chadwick Rantanen.

Press Release